
This website is maintained by the Silverman Advisors, PC offices in Newton, MA.   Material and information presented on this website are intended for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising or as soliciting business. Additionally, material and information on this website are not intended as legal advice or professional services and should not be construed as such. 

Silverman Advisors’ attorneys do not seek to practice law in any state, territory or foreign country where they are not licensed or otherwise authorized to do so. 

Email correspondence with anyone at Silverman Advisors, PC does not establish a business relationship including, but not limited to, an attorney-client relationship. Any information you send will not be considered confidential or privileged unless Silverman Advisors, PC has agreed to represent you.  

If you transmit information to us through our contact form or by other electronic means, the privacy and confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.  We will, however, treat any information you transmit to us in accordance with our Privacy Policy.  

Silverman Advisors, PC claims a copyright in all of the original material herein. The information should not be included in any other website without appropriate permission and attribution.